I'm a Health Advocate, and I have been dedicated to health my entire life. I am certified in Autonomic Response Testing by Klinghartdt Academy and also a Certified Health Specialist & Certified Natural Health Professional through Trinity School of Natural Health. Whilst dedicating to my own health I have been in evolution. In and throughout my past I have been a teacher, a writer, a coach, a pilates instructor, a translator, a high class call girl, a patient, and now a Health Advocate/coach for clients struggling with chronic illness and lyme disease. However even in each incarnation of my life I was still always dedicated to finding my own health. And it was when I was forced to tell the truth about my life history on a witness stand; admitting to a shameful past that I learned what my true mission would be. In 2000 as the star witness for a high profile case against my madame, then a high class call girl I decided to tell the truth about my own humanity. It was then that I became clear that my life was meant to be dedicated to honesty and health for all. In healing my own life; I became clear that I was ordained to help others find their own path towards healing. 

As a child growing up in Paris I was aware of a different world. My parents separated when I was very young, and my younger sister and I were left to hold our mother's hand through her struggle with multiple boughts with cancer. This first experience with chronic and acute disease brought my awareness to of the pain of illness. My sister echoed the struggle with chronic cancer years later.  And me?  My journey had a different path; chronic Lyme.

Last year I lost my younger sister to a long battle with Cancer. It was painful to say the least, but the worst was...How could I fail her when I help so many? This made my conviction all the more powerful. I must fight harder to help others in need of support.

 I have struggled for years with my own consant state of illness, and I often thought back about that time in my life that I blamed myself for my sickness, it must've been something I had done that made me so sick. All the while, a multitude of doctors were telling me that I wasn't sick at all, that all of the symptoms I was having were in my head. That I was a hypochondriac. I kept looking for the finish line... when would I be done with all this? My Lyme journey also included infertility, with 21 pregnancy losses. The darkness of this struggle was torture, often I didn't want to keep going. It wasn't until I fully accepted that I was to be on the path without a finish line that I was able to transform my health fully.

In the last 2 years I have helped many clients that had no hope with their health to finding a state of remission. I look forward to helping many more.
